We hope these links will help you in your studies, for there is a lot of good to be found in them.
However, we desire you to know that we will not agree with everything you access from this page.
Please use spiritual discernment and compare everything with the Word of God.
- John Broadus, Come Unto Me & One Jesus
- Torn in Half
- H. Spurgeon, All of Grace
- What is a Christian? Are you One?
- The Gospel in 6 Minutes, John Piper Video
- The Fiery Crash
- P. Boyce, Abstract of Systematic Theology 1887
- John Gill, 1738/1855 The_Cause_of_God_and_Truth_-_John_Gill(PDF)
- P. Simmons, A systematic Study of Bible Doctrine 1955
- W. Pink, Attributes of God (PDF)
- John Newton, More than a Calvanist
- Roger Nicole, How to Deal with Those who Differ from Us
- Baptist History Homepage
- Sovereign Grace Baptist Library
- Spurgeon Sermons
- Baptist Studies Online
- First_London_Baptist_Confession_of_Faith_1646 (PDF 2nd edition 1644/1646)
- T.Christian, A History of the Baptists 1923/26
- T. Christian, Baptist History Vindicated 1899
- David Benedict, A General History of the Baptist Denomination In America1848
- Southern Baptist Writers
- A. Jarrel, Baptist Church Perpetuity, 1894
- John T. Christian, Did they Dip? 1896
- Joseph Hooke, A Necessary Apology for the Baptized Believers, 1701
- The 2nd London Confession-1689-Baptist-Confession-of-Faith1689
- Curtis Pugh, Bible Principles Propagate Baptist Churches
- A Vindication of the Continued Succession of the Primitive Church of Jesus Christ from the Time of the Apostles unto this Present Time 1652
- H. Orchard, Concise History of the Baptists 1855/1973
- H. Ford, Origin of the Baptists 1860
- D. Mallary, Denominational Idolatry Reproved 1859
- E-Sword
- Bible Research(Internet Resources for Students of Scripture)
- Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
- info
- Cyber Hymnal
- Baptist Hymn Writers and Their Hymns, Henry S. Burrage, 1888
- NET Hymnal
- Even Unto Death, J. C. Wenger, 1961
- TrailBlood, History of Baptist Churches from time of Christ – J.M. Carroll
- Christ’s Headship of the Church, J. H. Langenwalter, 1922
- Were the Waldenses Baptists or Pedo-Baptists?, John L. Waller
- Martyrs Mirror, Van Braght, 1660/1938
- History of the Donatists,David Benedict, 1875
- Anabaptist confessions of faith
- Bibliography of 16th century Anabaptist-related materials
- Google on-line books(many free)
- AddALL Used and Out of Print Search
- Internet Archive (free electronic books)
- Particular Baptist Press
- Solid Ground Books
- King James Version Defended, Edward F. Hills, 1973 (to download)
- Case for Byzantine Priority, Maurice A. Robinson
- Last Twelve Verses of Mark Vindicated, John W. Burgon, 1871
- Causes of the Corruption, John W. Burgon, 1896
- The Annals of the English Bible, Christopher Anderson, 1845, vol I& vol II
- Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament, parts I& II, (4th ed.), F. H. A. Scrivener, 1894
- Codex B and Its Allies, parts I& II, H. C. Hoskier, 1914
- Integrity of the Greek Vulgate, Frederick Nolan, 1815
- History of the Bible (sermon series by Jason Shults)
- Baptist Archives and Repositories (a further selection)
- Strict Baptist Historical Society
- Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Boyce Centennial Library (Louisville, KY)
- New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Library (New Orleans, LA)
- Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Libraries (Ft. Worth, TX)
- Southern Baptist Historical Library & Archives (Nashville, TN)
- Exposition of the entire Bible, John Gill
- Commentary on the Whole Bible, M. Henry, 1710/1849
- An Interpretation of the English Bible, B. H. Carroll, 1948
- Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount, A. W. Pink, 1953
- Gleanings in Genesis, A. W. Pink
- Gleanings in Exodus, A. W. Pink
- Gleanings in Joshua, A. W. Pink
- Exposition of the Gospel of John, A. W. Pink, 1945
- Gleanings from Paul, A.W. Pink
- Why Four Gospels?, A.W. Pink
- Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans, Robert Haldane, 1874
- Commentary on the Book of Leviticus, Andrew Bonar, 1851
- Commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew, A. T. Robertson, 1911
- The Treasury of David, C. H. Spurgeon
- TEAMS Middle English Texts
- Puritan Library
- The Lollard Society(extensive bibliographies)
- Ecclesiastical History: volume I, volume II, volume III -William Jones, 1838
- Studies in Modern Church History, Justin Smith, 1887
- The Dawn of the Reformation, vol. I (Age of Wyclif), Henry B. Workman, 1901
- A.H. Newman- A Manual of Church History: volume I, volume II
- The Tyndale Society
- Miller’s Church History
- Internet Christian Library
- Waldensian bibliography (extensive)
- Protestant Reformation(texts & documents, links)
- Center for the Study of the Life and Work of William Carey
- History of Baptism, R. Robinson, (ed., D. Benedict), 1817
- A History of Anti-Pedobaptism, A. H. Newman, 1896
- New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge
- History of English Nonconformity, Henry W. Clark, 1911
- A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, Volume I, II, III -H.C. Lea 1887/1922.
- Perseus Tools (includes Liddell & Scott) searchable
- English-Greek Dictionary, S. C. Woodhouse, 1910 – searchable
- Grammar of New Testament Greek,Winer/Moulton, 1882
- Sources of New Testament Greek, H. A. A. Kennedy, 1895
- Notes on New Testament Grammar, E. D. Burton, 1904
- Elementary Hebrew Grammar, Wm. Henry Green, 1866
- Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, J. H. Thayer (ed.), 1889
- Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon, Benjamin Davidson, 1848
- Short Grammar of the Greek New Testament, A. T. Robertson, 1909
- Englishman’s Greek Concordance of the New Testament,1870
- Use of the Tenses in Hebrew, S. R. Driver, 1892
- Student’s Hebrew Lexicon, Benjamin Davies, 1872
- Analytical Greek Lexicon, 1870
- Primer of Hebrew,Charles Fagnani, 1903
- Introductory Hebrew Grammar, A. B. Davidson, 1896
- Student’s Hebrew Grammar, Gesenius/Roediger/Davies, 1874
- Hebrew Syntax, A. B. Davidson, 1902
- Triglot Dictionary of Scriptural Representative Words….,1901 (English-Greek-Hebrew)
- Novus Thesaurus Philologico-Criticus… LXX… Veteris Testamenti, F. Schleusner, 1822,